Don’t do this alone

Receive input from co-workers, friends and clients about what makes your Brand stand out.

What is a Brand Survey?

The Brand Survey is step 1 of your Brand Pop journey. We have created an online survey that guides whoever you want to invite through a series of questions about your Brand. Questions like, “How does your Brand make consumers feel?” and “What are the most common pain points your Brand is solving for consumers?”.

This information is then analyzed and compiled into a report that helps you understand the current perceptions of your Brand as well as inform your decision making during the Brand Workshop. There will likely be elements from the Brand Survey that will help you craft your Brand Plan.

  • What emotions should consumers/customers feel when interacting with your Brand?
  • By wearing, purchasing or experiencing your Brand what are consumers saying about themselves to their friends, colleagues and anyone they interact with?
  • What traits describe the personality of your Brand? And why?
  • What is your Brand’s competitive advantage or unique selling point compared to your competitors?
  • Easy Collaboration

    Brand building isn’t meant to be done alone. By bringing in feedback and input from those closest to your Brand you will receive insights and support that will help make your Brand better.

  • More Organization

    Data can be overwhelming. Not with Brand Pop! We are here to organize and sort the information received in a user- friendly way that helps insights jump off the screen. You can start making decisions immediately.

  • Better Information

    Data is good. Data is helpful. You want to make sure you understand your Brand before diving into your Brand Workshop. Having self-awareness of your Brand will help you to better understand your audiences.

Start your Brand Pop journey today.

Sign up for an online workshop and make your Brand stand out!

One Time Payment

$995 / Brand