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Conversion Rate?

We have analyzed hundreds of websites and came up with the perfect formula for building a homepage that will help you grow your sales. The formula is based on the principles that you will learn by going through the Brand Pop Workshop where you will you craft a Brand Plan. A Brand Plan is the ideal roadmap for laying out a successful website homepage. It doesn’t matter if you are working with a website design firm or building a Squarespace site yourself, we can help you get to where you want to go.

Are you ready to make your website better?

Sign up for an online workshop and make your Brand stand out!

The “Sizzle and Steak” Principle

What does steak have to do with websites? Good question. Consumers make decisions with their heart, but they want their head to feel good about the decision too in order to purchase. Consumers need “sizzle” in order to engage and become interested in a brand, but then “steak” closes the deal and gets them to come back. Both are critically important. The “sizzle” is what we call Brand Feelings. Understanding your Brand Feelings ensures that your Brand appeals to the emotional side of your customers in terms of photos, colors and advertising materials. The “steak” is what we call Brand Messaging. Brand Messaging delivers the nuts and bolts around how your product was made, what it does, why it is better than your competitors and why others are using your product. Many brands make the mistake of leading with the “steak” first or covering the site with only “sizzle”, which makes it hard to tell what they are asking a consumer to do. Here is our formula that will help you avoid these mistakes and make the best website homepage you can.

Brand Pop Website Homepage Formula

Here are our step-by-step directions on how to lay out the ideal homepage for your website. If you go through our Workshop, we will help you craft a Brand Plan that includes the content for all of these elements.

  1. Website Header Section

    The first thing a consumer sees on a website is the header. This section can be laid out in many different formats, but the core principles of success are the same. You should lead with a Brand Call to Action as the copy and then use photography, video or graphics to illicit an emotional response that aligns with your Brand Feelings and Self-Expressive benefits. A Brand Call to Action is a statement that you are making about your Brand that is an invitation to the consumer and an explanation of what you do all in one. A Brand Call to Action should be short and punchy. It can be a few words or a short sentence depending on your Brand and scenario. By utilizing a Call to Action and images that align with your Brand, your header should immediately draw someone in emotionally and tell them what problem you are solving. Your header should be clear and direct.

  2. Main Supporting Points

    The next section on your website should be your Main Supporting Points. Main supporting points are the top two to five talking points that help your Brand deliver on the Brand Call to Action. As soon as you put a Brand Call to Action in front of a consumer, they start asking themselves, “How would you accomplish that?” We want to answer this question in a concise and clear way before we lose their attention.

  3. Products/Services

    After your Main Supporting Points, you will want to showcase your products/services in a little more detail. At this point, we are interested in the universal product details that are true for all or the majority of your products or services. These product facts reinforce the Main Supporting Points and explain to a customer how your Brand is able to deliver on your Call to Action. Once users get into product pages, you can go into even more detail. On the homepage, keep it high-level.

  4. Validators

    After you’ve showcased what problems you are solving and how you solve them, it’s time to highlight your validators to affirm that your product is a good purchasing decision. Humans are social creatures, so we are comforted when others validate the purchasing decisions we are planning to make. Validators can take multiple forms such as testimonials, reviews or ‘As Seen In’ press features. Depending on the type of business you are in, your Brand may have one or all of these validators. Validator sections typically take the form of a set of press mention logos or client roster logos. Showcasing top reviews for your products is a terrific validation and sales tool as well.

  5. Additional Features to Consider

    You can also add features such as social feeds, product demo videos and whatever else you feel is needed to communicate clearly what your Brand does, but the elements listed here should be the core of your website homepage.

Next Steps

Is it time to make your website better?

Our Workshop will walk you through each of the elements in the above formula for a perfect homepage. You will create a Brand Plan that will become your new best friend and favorite marketing tool! Stop fumbling through marketing decisions and take control today. We will equip with you with a brand and marketing roadmap for your business that will help you drive more sales and reach the next level.